The Power of Passion

Our regular guest blogger is BACK! This weeks Anna Lee talks PASSION…..

power of passion

Losing weight is no easy feat. If you want to succeed, the lifestyle changes you make must be exactly that. Sustainable, LIFEstyle changes. Healthy habits have to stick. For good.

You can’t just be in love with the end result; you have to fall in love with the process too.

Passion for the process is key. If you’re not passionate, you risk getting lost in a chore like mentality which sooner or later will fall down.

So you figure you can’t spend the rest of your life on a treadmill. Me neither. Hate the damn thing. You have to find something that you enjoy. You gotta find your ‘thing’.

Your efforts will be much more effective and rewarding if you find an activity or sport that you truly enjoy. Try a bit of everything. Experiment. Find your ‘thing’. Spinning, yoga, CrossFit, Zumba, Salsa, Dog Walking, Running, Rolerblading, Football, Karate, Badminton, Ultimate Frisbee, Squash… Whatever floats your boat. 

You’re not defined by the activity that you choose, more by how you attack the activity.

anna lee bioSo, find your ‘thing’ and attack it with passion.

What’s the difference?

When you’re passionate about something, you’ll naturally re-evaluate your goals. Aesthetic goals tend to make way for performance based goals.

When aesthetic goals are reached, it’s common for the passion to fade. When the passion fades – so do the results. When you focus on performance based goals, this is less likely to happen as they’ll always be new ways to challenge yourself. You’ll welcome hard work, you’ll want to excel as it brings you closer to your next goal.

Your body will come along for the ride. Win-win.

Once you realize the power of passion and the great things that are fueled by it, it’s impossible to give up.

The power of passion is immense. If you want to succeed, you’d better get passionate.

What are you waiting for?! Go get it!


About Anna Lee

Anna is a marketing director, avid CrossFitter and blogger living in New York City. She is passionate about learning and sharing her experiences with CrossFit and it’s community to inspire others.

“CrossFit became my passion following a 2 year transformation from fat to fit. It challenges me. It’s not about aesthetics anymore. It’s about getting after a sense of achievement. How much better can I get? How can I turn my weaknesses into strengths? What else can I learn? It’s about feeling good and becoming a better version of me.  My  blog, CrossFitobsessed is collection of my thoughts and experiences along the way. I want to inspire people to get involved. To make a choice and take the action to become better version of themselves. There’s room for everyone to be a little bit better.”


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