Foodie Friday – Thai Turkey Spice

I know I say it every Foodie Friday, but man, this week is goooood! This is (another!) of my all time favourite quick nutritious cook-ups that packs a real punch.

This is a spicy little number, so if hot & spicy isn’t your thing just knock back the flavourings to make it work for you.

Thai Spice with a kick
Prep Time :: 10 minutes     Cooking Time :: 30 minutes    Serves :: 4 serving
Ingredients ::
  • 500g Lean Turkey Mince
  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 100g Thai Red Paste
  • 1 chopped red pepper
  • 1 heaped tsp Cajun Spice
  • 1 Avocado chopped up
  • 100ml Sour Cream
  • Bag of green salad leaves
  • 1 cup of brown rice

Directions ::

  1. Cook brown rice as per package (for around 25 mins, drain and rinse in hot water once cooked)
  2. For turkey mince – In a large bowl mix mince with Thai paste, chopped red pepper and Cajun spice.
  3. Heat a non-stick pan to a medium heat, add the coconut oil then the mince mixture.
  4. Gently fry for 12-15 minutes making sure all the turkey mince is throughly cooked.
  5. Serve up: With a 1//4 cup of brown rice per serving, chopped avocado and salad leaves, with a drizzle of sour cream.

Remember, this really is a spicy little number (which I adore) but feel free to adjust the flavouring to work for you and your family.

Cook up a big batch and portion freeze so you’ve always got something good for dinner in the freezer no matter how tight you are for time.

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