I do love a purposeful Slow-Sunday
I one of those people that has to be purposeful about how I spend my weekends, especially Sundays. I have been known to sneak off and disappear into my office for hours on end working on a project, or getting to Sunday and having no plans at all so it feels like a waste of relaxing day.
A few weeks ago I recorded a little vlog about my perfect slow-Sunday, I’d love you to come along for the ride, you can have a watch and see what I got up to below.
One of my favourite things to do is meet friends for brunch at Altrincham Markets, eat beautiful food, drink coffee, chat for a couple of hours, then wander around the market, come home, nap or watch a movie, eat more delicious lovely food, prep for the week ahead, then wind down for the evening finishing off with an early night.
Whatever you do with your Sunday’s, make it count. Especially if it is a day off for you. (Remember, if you work on Sunday, apply the same purposefulness to your day of relaxation.)
Head into your day of relaxation with a plan, even if that plan is to sit down, kick back, and relax on the sofa. If you’re going out and about, plan where you’re going, set a time to get yourself out of the house so the day doesn’t drift away from you. And my number one rule, is only do the things you LOVE doing.
Have a great Slow-Sunday, let me know how you’ve been spending your down time too. I love to hear your stories and it’s a great way to inspire others too.