
Stop. Pause. Think. Now Act® Podcast with Joanne Grobbelaar

Welcome to the leadership podcast that talks to brilliant businesswomen and enlightened men. I am asking the essential questions of balancing life, growing businesses while staying grounded and all the shiz in-between.

The real heavy lifting of running your own fitness business

There’s so much more to Mike Madden’s job than teaching others to lift barbells and hit the right squat position. As a gym owner and coach, Mike has learnt the real heavy lifting of running a successful fitness business. 

Being a visionary, a creative and a deep thinker, Madders – as he’s more commonly known – admits that the key to success has been accepting that he can’t do it all, and to get the right help. In this podcast, he shares his secret weapon to setting up and running his own 8,500 sq. ft. CrossFit training facility in Trafford Park. 

Putting the right systems and processes in place, and having a strategic coach to support him, Mike has not only become better at knowing his numbers, but he’s also built a community of people who enjoy their best hours of their day training with Mike and socialising with like-minded people.

Visit Mike’s website here >>

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Season 3
Season 3
The real heavy lifting of running your own fitness business with Mike Madden

Learn the secrets to building a powerful mindset & achieve the life you want